module JobsHelper def total_progress_bar(job) progress_bar(job.done_ratio, legend: "#{job.done_ratio}% (#{l_hours_short(job.total_time_logged)}/#{l_hours_short(job.total_time_budget)})", class: "progress") end def progress_bar_for(budget) progress_bar(budget.done_ratio, legend: "#{budget.done_ratio}% (#{l_hours_short(budget.total_time_logged)}/#{l_hours_short(budget.hours)})", class: "progress") end def job_history_tabs tabs = [] if @journals.present? has_notes = @journals.any? { |journal| journal.notes.present? } tabs << { name: "history", label: "History", onclick: 'showJobHistory("history", this.href)', partial: "jobs/tabs/history", locals: { job: @job, journals: @journals } } if has_notes tabs << { name: "notes", label: "Notes", onclick: 'showJobHistory("notes", this.href)', } end end tabs end def job_history_default_tab return params[:tab] if params[:tab].present? "history" end # Below methods copied directly from issues_helper with few adjustments # Returns the textual representation of a journal details # as an array of strings def details_to_strings(details, no_html=false, options={}) options[:only_path] = !(options[:only_path] == false) strings = [] values_by_field = {} details.each do |detail| if == 'cf' field = detail.custom_field if field && field.multiple? values_by_field[field] ||= {:added => [], :deleted => []} if detail.old_value values_by_field[field][:deleted] << detail.old_value end if detail.value values_by_field[field][:added] << detail.value end next end end strings << show_detail(detail, no_html, options) end if values_by_field.present? values_by_field.each do |field, changes| if changes[:added].any? detail ='cf',, field) detail.value = changes[:added] strings << show_detail(detail, no_html, options) end if changes[:deleted].any? detail ='cf',, field) detail.old_value = changes[:deleted] strings << show_detail(detail, no_html, options) end end end strings end def show_detail(detail, no_html=false, options={}) multiple = false show_diff = false no_details = false case when 'attr' field = detail.prop_key.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "") label = l(("field_" + field).to_sym) case detail.prop_key when 'due_date', 'start_date' value = format_date(detail.value.to_date) if detail.value old_value = format_date(detail.old_value.to_date) if detail.old_value when 'project_id', 'status_id', 'tracker_id', 'assigned_to_id', 'priority_id', 'category_id', 'fixed_version_id' value = find_name_by_reflection(field, detail.value) old_value = find_name_by_reflection(field, detail.old_value) when 'description' show_diff = true end when 'relation' if detail.value && !detail.old_value rel_issue = Issue.visible.find_by_id(detail.value) value = if rel_issue.nil? "#{l(:label_issue)} ##{detail.value}" else (no_html ? rel_issue : link_to_issue(rel_issue, :only_path => options[:only_path])) end elsif detail.old_value && !detail.value rel_issue = Issue.visible.find_by_id(detail.old_value) old_value = if rel_issue.nil? "#{l(:label_issue)} ##{detail.old_value}" else (no_html ? rel_issue : link_to_issue(rel_issue, :only_path => options[:only_path])) end end relation_type = IssueRelation::TYPES[detail.prop_key] label = l(relation_type[:name]) if relation_type end call_hook(:helper_issues_show_detail_after_setting, {:detail => detail, :label => label, :value => value, :old_value => old_value}) label ||= detail.prop_key value ||= detail.value old_value ||= detail.old_value unless no_html label = content_tag('strong', label) old_value = content_tag("i", h(old_value)) if detail.old_value if detail.old_value && detail.value.blank? && != 'relation' old_value = content_tag("del", old_value) end if == 'attachment' && value.present? && atta = detail.journal.journalized.attachments.detect {|a| == detail.prop_key.to_i} # Link to the attachment if it has not been removed value = link_to_attachment(atta, only_path: options[:only_path]) if options[:only_path] != false value += ' ' value += link_to_attachment atta, class: 'icon-only icon-download', title: l(:button_download), download: true end else value = content_tag("i", h(value)) if value end end if no_details s = l(:text_journal_changed_no_detail, :label => label).html_safe elsif show_diff s = l(:text_journal_changed_no_detail, :label => label) unless no_html diff_link = link_to( l(:label_diff), diff_journal_url(detail.journal_id, :detail_id =>, :only_path => options[:only_path]), :title => l(:label_view_diff)) s << " (#{diff_link})" end s.html_safe elsif detail.value.present? case when 'attr', 'cf' if detail.old_value.present? l(:text_journal_changed, :label => label, :old => old_value, :new => value).html_safe elsif multiple l(:text_journal_added, :label => label, :value => value).html_safe else l(:text_journal_set_to, :label => label, :value => value).html_safe end when 'attachment', 'relation' l(:text_journal_added, :label => label, :value => value).html_safe end else l(:text_journal_deleted, :label => label, :old => old_value).html_safe end end # Find the name of an associated record stored in the field attribute # For project, return the associated record only if is visible for the current User def find_name_by_reflection(field, id) return nil if id.blank? @detail_value_name_by_reflection ||= do |hash, key| association = Issue.reflect_on_association(key.first.to_sym) name = nil if association record = association.klass.find_by_id(key.last) if (record && !record.is_a?(Project)) || (record.is_a?(Project) && record.visible?) name ='UTF-8') end end hash[key] = name end @detail_value_name_by_reflection[[field, id]] end end