Rails 7.2.0.rc1 upgrade

This commit is contained in:
Trevor Vallender 2024-08-08 11:35:36 +01:00
parent be429a56bb
commit 31519be66d
15 changed files with 279 additions and 130 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ git_source(:github) { |repo| "https://github.com/#{repo}.git" }
ruby file: "./.ruby-version"
gem "rails", "~> 7.1"
gem "rails", "~> 7.2.0.rc1"
gem "propshaft"
gem "pg"
gem "puma"

View File

@ -7,80 +7,76 @@ GIT
remote: https://rubygems.org/
actioncable (
actionpack (=
activesupport (=
actioncable (7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
nio4r (~> 2.0)
websocket-driver (>= 0.6.1)
zeitwerk (~> 2.6)
actionmailbox (
actionpack (=
activejob (=
activerecord (=
activestorage (=
activesupport (=
mail (>= 2.7.1)
actionmailer (
actionpack (=
actionview (=
activejob (=
activesupport (=
mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4)
actionmailbox (7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activejob (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activerecord (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activestorage (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
mail (>= 2.8.0)
actionmailer (7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
actionview (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activejob (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
mail (>= 2.8.0)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.2)
actionpack (
actionview (=
activesupport (=
actionpack (7.2.0.rc1)
actionview (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
nokogiri (>= 1.8.5)
rack (>= 2.2.4)
rack (>= 2.2.4, < 3.2)
rack-session (>= 1.0.1)
rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.2)
rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.6)
actiontext (
actionpack (=
activerecord (=
activestorage (=
activesupport (=
useragent (~> 0.16)
actiontext (7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activerecord (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activestorage (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
globalid (>= 0.6.0)
nokogiri (>= 1.8.5)
actionview (
activesupport (=
actionview (7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
builder (~> 3.1)
erubi (~> 1.11)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.2)
rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.6)
activejob (
activesupport (=
activejob (7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
globalid (>= 0.3.6)
activemodel (
activesupport (=
activerecord (
activemodel (=
activesupport (=
activemodel (7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activerecord (7.2.0.rc1)
activemodel (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
timeout (>= 0.4.0)
activestorage (
actionpack (=
activejob (=
activerecord (=
activesupport (=
activestorage (7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activejob (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activerecord (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
marcel (~> 1.0)
activesupport (
activesupport (7.2.0.rc1)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.3.1)
connection_pool (>= 2.2.5)
i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
logger (>= 1.4.2)
minitest (>= 5.1)
tzinfo (~> 2.0)
securerandom (>= 0.3)
tzinfo (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.5)
addressable (2.8.7)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 7.0)
base64 (0.2.0)
@ -155,7 +151,6 @@ GEM
mini_mime (1.1.5)
minitest (5.24.1)
msgpack (1.7.2)
mutex_m (0.2.0)
net-imap (0.4.14)
@ -190,20 +185,20 @@ GEM
rackup (2.1.0)
rack (>= 3)
webrick (~> 1.8)
rails (
actioncable (=
actionmailbox (=
actionmailer (=
actionpack (=
actiontext (=
actionview (=
activejob (=
activemodel (=
activerecord (=
activestorage (=
activesupport (=
rails (7.2.0.rc1)
actioncable (= 7.2.0.rc1)
actionmailbox (= 7.2.0.rc1)
actionmailer (= 7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
actiontext (= 7.2.0.rc1)
actionview (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activejob (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activemodel (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activerecord (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activestorage (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
bundler (>= 1.15.0)
railties (=
railties (= 7.2.0.rc1)
rails-dom-testing (2.2.0)
activesupport (>= 5.0.0)
@ -211,10 +206,10 @@ GEM
rails-html-sanitizer (1.6.0)
loofah (~> 2.21)
nokogiri (~> 1.14)
railties (
actionpack (=
activesupport (=
railties (7.2.0.rc1)
actionpack (= 7.2.0.rc1)
activesupport (= 7.2.0.rc1)
irb (~> 1.13)
rackup (>= 1.0.0)
rake (>= 12.2)
thor (~> 1.0, >= 1.2.2)
@ -231,6 +226,7 @@ GEM
ffi (~> 1.12)
rubyzip (2.3.2)
securerandom (0.3.1)
selenium-webdriver (4.23.0)
base64 (~> 0.2)
logger (~> 1.4)
@ -253,6 +249,7 @@ GEM
railties (>= 6.0.0)
tzinfo (2.0.6)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
useragent (0.16.10)
web-console (4.2.1)
actionview (>= 6.0.0)
activemodel (>= 6.0.0)
@ -284,7 +281,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
rails (~> 7.1)
rails (~> 7.2.0.rc1)

bin/brakeman Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "rubygems"
require "bundler/setup"
load Gem.bin_path("brakeman", "brakeman")

bin/rubocop Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "rubygems"
require "bundler/setup"
# explicit rubocop config increases performance slightly while avoiding config confusion.
ARGV.unshift("--config", File.expand_path("../.rubocop.yml", __dir__))
load Gem.bin_path("rubocop", "rubocop")

View File

@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ def setup
log "Loading fixtures…"
system!("bin/rails db:fixtures:load")
log "Removing old logs and temp files…"
system!("bin/rails log:clear tmp:clear")
def log(message)

View File

@ -51,4 +51,5 @@ Rails.application.configure do
port: 1025,
config.action_controller.raise_on_missing_callback_actions = true
config.active_job.verbose_enqueue_logs = true

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.
# Code is not reloaded between requests.
config.cache_classes = true
config.enable_reloading = false
# Eager load code on boot. This eager loads most of Rails and
# your application in memory, allowing both threaded web servers
@ -48,13 +48,6 @@ Rails.application.configure do
config.force_ssl = false
config.assume_ssl = true
# Include generic and useful information about system operation, but avoid logging too much
# information to avoid inadvertent exposure of personally identifiable information (PII).
config.log_level = :info
# Prepend all log lines with the following tags.
config.log_tags = [ :request_id ]
# Use a different cache store in production.
config.cache_store = :solid_cache_store
@ -75,18 +68,12 @@ Rails.application.configure do
# Don't log any deprecations.
config.active_support.report_deprecations = false
# Use default logging formatter so that PID and timestamp are not suppressed.
config.log_formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new
# Use a different logger for distributed setups.
# require "syslog/logger"
# config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Syslog::Logger.new "app-name")
if ENV["RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT"].present?
logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.formatter = config.log_formatter
config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(logger)
config.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT)
.tap { |logger| logger.formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new }
.then { |logger| ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(logger) }
config.log_level = ENV.fetch("RAILS_LOG_LEVEL") { :info }
config.log_tags = [ :request_id ]
# Do not dump schema after migrations.
config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false

View File

@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
config.cache_store = :null_store
# Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates.
config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false
config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = :rescuable
# Disable request forgery protection in test environment.
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
@ -55,6 +54,8 @@ Rails.application.configure do
# Raises error for missing translations.
config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = true
config.action_controller.raise_on_missing_callback_actions = true
# Annotate rendered view with file names.
# config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames = true

View File

@ -5,8 +5,3 @@ Rails.application.config.assets.version = "1.0"
# Add additional assets to the asset load path.
# Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Emoji.images_path
# Precompile additional assets.
# application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS in the app/assets
# folder are already added.
# Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( admin.js admin.css )

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Configure parameters to be partially matched (e.g. passw matches password) and filtered from the log file.
# Use this to limit dissemination of sensitive information.
# Configure parameters to be partially matched (e.g. passw matches password) and filtered from the log file.
# Use this to limit dissemination of sensitive information.
# See the ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter documentation for supported notations and behaviors.
Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [
:passw, :secret, :token, :_key, :crypt, :salt, :certificate, :otp, :ssn
:passw, :email, :secret, :token, :_key, :crypt, :salt, :certificate, :otp, :ssn

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# This file eases your Rails 7.2 framework defaults upgrade.
# Uncomment each configuration one by one to switch to the new default.
# Once your application is ready to run with all new defaults, you can remove
# this file and set the `config.load_defaults` to `7.2`.
# Read the Guide for Upgrading Ruby on Rails for more info on each option.
# https://guides.rubyonrails.org/upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html
# Controls whether Active Job's `#perform_later` and similar methods automatically defer
# the job queuing to after the current Active Record transaction is committed.
# Example:
# Topic.transaction do
# topic = Topic.create(...)
# NewTopicNotificationJob.perform_later(topic)
# end
# In this example, if the configuration is set to `:never`, the job will
# be enqueued immediately, even though the `Topic` hasn't been committed yet.
# Because of this, if the job is picked up almost immediately, or if the
# transaction doesn't succeed for some reason, the job will fail to find this
# topic in the database.
# If `enqueue_after_transaction_commit` is set to `:default`, the queue adapter
# will define the behaviour.
# Note: Active Job backends can disable this feature. This is generally done by
# backends that use the same database as Active Record as a queue, hence they
# don't need this feature.
# Rails.application.config.active_job.enqueue_after_transaction_commit = :default
# Adds image/webp to the list of content types Active Storage considers as an image
# Prevents automatic conversion to a fallback PNG, and assumes clients support WebP, as they support gif, jpeg, and png.
# This is possible due to broad browser support for WebP, but older browsers and email clients may still not support
# WebP. Requires imagemagick/libvips built with WebP support.
# Rails.application.config.active_storage.web_image_content_types = %w[image/png image/jpeg image/gif image/webp]
# Enable validation of migration timestamps. When set, an ActiveRecord::InvalidMigrationTimestampError
# will be raised if the timestamp prefix for a migration is more than a day ahead of the timestamp
# associated with the current time. This is done to prevent forward-dating of migration files, which can
# impact migration generation and other migration commands.
# Applications with existing timestamped migrations that do not adhere to the
# expected format can disable validation by setting this config to `false`.
# Rails.application.config.active_record.validate_migration_timestamps = true
# Controls whether the PostgresqlAdapter should decode dates automatically with manual queries.
# Example:
# ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.select_value("select '2024-01-01'::date") #=> Date
# This query used to return a `String`.
# Rails.application.config.active_record.postgresql_adapter_decode_dates = true
# Enables YJIT as of Ruby 3.3, to bring sizeable performance improvements. If you are
# deploying to a memory constrained environment you may want to set this to `false`.
# Rails.application.config.yjit = true

View File

@ -1,43 +1,54 @@
# Puma can serve each request in a thread from an internal thread pool.
# The `threads` method setting takes two numbers: a minimum and maximum.
# Any libraries that use thread pools should be configured to match
# the maximum value specified for Puma. Default is set to 5 threads for minimum
# and maximum; this matches the default thread size of Active Record.
max_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 }
min_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MIN_THREADS") { max_threads_count }
threads min_threads_count, max_threads_count
# This configuration file will be evaluated by Puma. The top-level methods that
# are invoked here are part of Puma's configuration DSL. For more information
# about methods provided by the DSL, see https://puma.io/puma/Puma/DSL.html.
# Specifies the `worker_timeout` threshold that Puma will use to wait before
# terminating a worker in development environments.
# Puma starts a configurable number of processes (workers) and each process
# serves each request in a thread from an internal thread pool.
worker_timeout 3600 if ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV", "development") == "development"
# Specifies the `port` that Puma will listen on to receive requests; default is 3000.
# The ideal number of threads per worker depends both on how much time the
# application spends waiting for IO operations and on how much you wish to
# to prioritize throughput over latency.
port ENV.fetch("PORT") { 3000 }
# As a rule of thumb, increasing the number of threads will increase how much
# traffic a given process can handle (throughput), but due to CRuby's
# Global VM Lock (GVL) it has diminishing returns and will degrade the
# response time (latency) of the application.
# The default is set to 3 threads as it's deemed a decent compromise between
# throughput and latency for the average Rails application.
# Any libraries that use a connection pool or another resource pool should
# be configured to provide at least as many connections as the number of
# threads. This includes Active Record's `pool` parameter in `database.yml`.
threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS", 3)
threads threads_count, threads_count
# Specifies the `environment` that Puma will run in.
environment ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV") { "development" }
rails_env = ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV", "development")
environment rails_env
# Specifies the `pidfile` that Puma will use.
pidfile ENV.fetch("PIDFILE") { "tmp/pids/server.pid" }
case rails_env
when "production"
# If you are running more than 1 thread per process, the workers count
# should be equal to the number of processors (CPU cores) in production.
# Automatically detect the number of available processors in production.
require "concurrent-ruby"
workers_count = Integer(ENV.fetch("WEB_CONCURRENCY") { Concurrent.available_processor_count })
workers workers_count if workers_count > 1
# Specifies the number of `workers` to boot in clustered mode.
# Workers are forked web server processes. If using threads and workers together
# the concurrency of the application would be max `threads` * `workers`.
# Workers do not work on JRuby or Windows (both of which do not support
# processes).
# workers ENV.fetch("WEB_CONCURRENCY") { 2 }
when "development"
# Specifies a very generous `worker_timeout` so that the worker
# isn't killed by Puma when suspended by a debugger.
worker_timeout 3600
# Use the `preload_app!` method when specifying a `workers` number.
# This directive tells Puma to first boot the application and load code
# before forking the application. This takes advantage of Copy On Write
# process behavior so workers use less memory.
# preload_app!
# Specifies the `port` that Puma will listen on to receive requests; default is 3000.
port ENV.fetch("PORT", 3000)
# Allow puma to be restarted by `bin/rails restart` command.
plugin :tmp_restart
# Only use a pidfile when requested
pidfile ENV["PIDFILE"] if ENV["PIDFILE"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Your browser is not supported (406)</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
.rails-default-error-page {
background-color: #EFEFEF;
color: #2E2F30;
text-align: center;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
.rails-default-error-page div.dialog {
width: 95%;
max-width: 33em;
margin: 4em auto 0;
.rails-default-error-page div.dialog > div {
border: 1px solid #CCC;
border-right-color: #999;
border-left-color: #999;
border-bottom-color: #BBB;
border-top: #B00100 solid 4px;
border-top-left-radius: 9px;
border-top-right-radius: 9px;
background-color: white;
padding: 7px 12% 0;
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17);
.rails-default-error-page h1 {
font-size: 100%;
color: #730E15;
line-height: 1.5em;
.rails-default-error-page div.dialog > p {
margin: 0 0 1em;
padding: 1em;
background-color: #F7F7F7;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
border-right-color: #999;
border-left-color: #999;
border-bottom-color: #999;
border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
border-top-color: #DADADA;
color: #666;
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17);
<body class="rails-default-error-page">
<!-- This file lives in public/406-unsupported-browser.html -->
<div class="dialog">
<h1>Your browser is not supported.</h1>
<p>Please upgrade your browser to continue.</p>

public/icon.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.5 KiB

public/icon.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="100" height="100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="red"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 121 B