
I’m a software engineer specialising in Ruby and Rails.

I’m passionate about FOSS and building high quality systems through modern software engineering techniques.

Check out some of the articles I’ve written on <%= link_to "my blog", blog_posts_path %>, or read <%= link_to "the latest one", @latest_blog_post %>.

Some of my personal projects:

<%= link_to "This site", "https://git.tsvallender.co.uk/tsv/Soc" %>
The code for this very masterpiece.
<%= link_to "Birthdaze", "https://git.tsvallender.co.uk/tsv/birthdaze" %>
Generate an iCalendar feed of your contacts’ birthdays via a CardDAV server.
<%= link_to "Redmine Jobs", "https://git.tsvallender.co.uk/tsv/Redmine-Jobs" %>
A <%= link_to "Redmine", "https://redmine.org" %> plugin to make it simpler to manage client jobs and their budgets.

My <%= link_to "dotfiles", "https://git.tsvallender.co.uk/tsv/dotfiles" %> are also available.