require "carddav" require "icalendar" require "thor" require "yaml" class Birthdaze < Thor desc "generate", "Generate calendars" def generate puts "Writing ical file to #{config['ical_output']}"["ical_output"], 'w') { |file| file.write(calendar.to_ical) } end desc "list", "List birthdays" def list bdays = birthdays.sort do |a, b| a[:month] == b[:month] ? a[:day] <=> b[:day] : a[:month] <=> b[:month] end bdays.each { |d| puts "🎂 #{d[:day]}/#{d[:month]} - #{d[:name]}" } end private def config(config_file = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/birthdaze.yaml") unless File.file?(config_file) puts "Please add a configuration file" return end @config ||= YAML.load_file(config_file) end def client(url: config["url"], username: config["username"], password: config["password"]) @client ||=, username, password) end def birthdays return @birthdays if defined? @birthdays @birthdays = [] do |card| card = card.parsed.to_s birthday = birthday_regex.match(card)[1] if birthday_regex.match?(card) name = name_regex.match(card)[1] if name_regex.match?(card) if name && birthday @birthdays << { name: name, month: month_of(birthday), day: day_of(birthday), birth_year: birth_year_of(birthday) } end end @birthdays end def calendar return @calendar if defined? @calendar @calendar = birthdays.each do |birthday| @calendar.event do |event| event.dtstart = event.dtend = event.summary = summary(birthday) event.description = description(birthday) event.rrule = "FREQ=YEARLY;" end end @calendar.publish end # Takes a birthday string, with or without a year, and returns a start date def start_date(birthday) year = birthday[:birth_year] || "#{year}#{birthday[:month]}#{birthday[:day]}" end def end_date(birthday) date = Date.parse(start_date(birthday)).next_day date.strftime("%Y%m%d") end def summary(birthday) "🎂 #{birthday[:name]}’s birthday" end def description(birthday) return "" unless birthday[:birth_year] "#{birthday[:name]} was born in #{birthday[:birth_year]}" end def set_reminders end def birthday_regex # We need the dash for dates which don’t specify a year /.*BDAY.*:([\d-]*).*/ end def name_regex /FN.*:(.*)/ end def month_of(date)"-", "")[-4..-3] end def day_of(date)"-", "")[-2..-1] end def birth_year_of(date) return nil if date.length < 8 birth_year = date[0..3] return nil if birth_year == "1604" # This is set (for some reason) by DAVx⁵ birth_year end end