# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" class AdminGameSystemsIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "index should show most all game systems" do sign_in users(:admin) get admin_game_systems_path assert_response :success assert_select ".game-system", GameSystem.all.size end test "show should show game system" do sign_in users(:admin) get admin_game_system_path(game_systems(:troika)) assert_response :success assert_select "h2", game_systems(:troika).name end test "new should show form to create new game system" do sign_in users(:admin) get new_admin_game_system_path assert_response :success assert_select "form[action=?][method=?]", admin_game_systems_path, "post" end test "create should create new game system" do sign_in users(:admin) assert_difference "GameSystem.count", 1 do post admin_game_systems_path, params: { game_system: { name: "Test Game System" } } end assert_redirected_to admin_game_system_path(GameSystem.last) end test "create should fail if game system already exists" do sign_in users(:admin) assert_no_difference "GameSystem.count" do post admin_game_systems_path, params: { game_system: { name: game_systems(:troika).name } } end assert_response :unprocessable_entity end test "edit should show form to edit game system" do sign_in users(:admin) get edit_admin_game_system_path(game_systems(:troika)) assert_response :success assert_select "form[action=?][method=?]", admin_game_system_path(game_systems(:troika)), "post" end test "update should update game system" do sign_in users(:admin) patch admin_game_system_path(game_systems(:troika)), params: { game_system: { name: "Test Game System" } } assert_redirected_to admin_game_system_path(game_systems(:troika)) end test "destroy should destroy game system" do sign_in users(:admin) assert_difference "GameSystem.count", -1 do delete admin_game_system_path(game_systems(:troika)) end assert_redirected_to admin_game_systems_path end end