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  • Add a job model

    • Start/end date
    • External project ID (one-to-one relationship)
    • Name
    • Client (project ID)
    • Description
    • Job ID? (this is in Amigo)
    • Status (pending acceptance etc.)
    • Total time (budget per activity type?)
    • List of associated trackers
  • Add association between time log entries and jobs

  • Add UI for jobs

    • CRUD stuff
    • Set up default associations
  • Separate plugin:

    • Whenever time log is updated, fire this at Everhour
    • Back the other way?
  • What about meetings etc?

  • Examples:

    • Developer logs time for ticket #123

    • Doesn't explicitly choose a job

    • Logged as development time

    • If ticket is in retainer tracker the time is logged against the retainer job

    • If ticket is in support tracker the time is logged against the support job

    • If ticket is anywhere else, it is logged against the active project

    • Product manager logs time for ticket #123

    • Doesn't explicitly choose a job

    • Logged as refinement time