
39 lines
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Character sheets
= Must haves
- Add tests for feature references
- Lists
- Reorganise sections
- Edit additional roll types
= Nice to haves
- Calculate from result - e.g. troika damage roll should calc. damage amount from die roll:w
- Add min/max when creating stats
- Better sheet layout (multiple small sections per line)
- Display empty text fields prettier
- Rename to SectionTemplate
- Easy add amount to stat
- auto save text fields
- indicate save status on titlebar
- icons on features
- Cancel adding subsection, stat etc.
- add manual dice roll
- request/respond to specific dice roll
- Template accessibility level
- Users can add their own, "official" ones are always available
- Unofficial ones can be added to a local list of favourites
- Edit/delete templates
- Sheet section color
- arbitrary dice rolls
- request invite
- Character avatars
- default avatars
- add uuid/slug to characters and any other url-visible ids
- shared/private notes
- NPCs
- chat
- maps
- show errors from invalid sheet bits